From this Crude Lab - Experimental Studio - Saturday 5th September 2-7pm
Ten weeks on the Experimental Studio residency have flown by and it's
time to invite you to my open studio event in Newcastle, running alongside
Vane Gallery's closing celebration of their current exhibition - which marks
the tenth anniversary of the opening of the gallery. I've had an amazing time up here in the North East, it would be great to
see you and show you what's been occurring.
(original photo credit - Fiona Grady)
Kirsty Harris: From this Crude Lab Saturday 5th September 2-7pm Open Studio Vane Gallery: Ten Saturday 5th September Last day to see the exhibition with closing celebration 5-7pm Vane First Floor Commercial Union House 39 Pilgrim Street Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 6QE To mark the end of her residency at The Experimental Studios, London-based artist Kirsty Harris is opening her studio to the public and will be present to discuss her work. Harris has spent the last ten weeks developing her practice based around the imagery and data collected on nuclear tests. Creating oil paintings on linen and glass, cyanotypes, short films, silverpoint and carbon paper drawings, she has used the space and time provided to step up in scale whilst still keeping a strong element of experimentation. Quotes are scattered, shadows are thrown through glass paintings of mushroom clouds with un-stretched linens pinned directly onto the wall. ‘From this Crude Lab’ is taken from an anonymous short poem bandied around Los Alamos leading up to the first atomic test, Trinity: “From this crude lab that spawned a dud. Their necks to Truman’s ax uncurled. Lo, the embattled savants stood, and fired the flop heard round the world.”
My time in the North east was kindly supported by the Arts Council England.
The Experimental Studio has been a collaboration between Vane and Breeze Creatives.